Here are a few snapshots from a 1959 Baist map from Ryan S. Thank you, Ryan!
The “old yard,” to the East.The “new yard,” at the foot of Wisconsin Ave. Note the siding for the power plant, which is incorrectly drawn. It should branch from the end of one of the sidings in the new yard. I have no idea what that bridge is indicated off of the end of Wisconsin Ave! There is a story there, for sure!Power Plant siding seems to extend a bit further on the map than in actuality, but am not certain. Also note Maloney Concrete, Schroff Bros. and Super-Concrete Corp properties.
4 thoughts on “1959 Baist Map Snippets”
I don’t believe the Capital Transit power plant siding is an error, just a reflection of an earlier layout.
Although these maps may be dated 1959, they are clearly earlier maps that have been revised. See the heating plant unloading house where the previous sidings for the B&O freight house are still shown but partially covered.
What I find interesting is the industries, Maloney Concrete and Super Concrete. Presumably they got their sand and gravel from the barges unloading from the river. But cement at that time probably came by rail, presumably unloaded in the old yard. Right? So how was the transfer handled between the rail car and the plant? truck? Seems like an extra expense.
Super Concrete was still there in 1981 or so. At that time they received cement in Chessie covered hoppers at their other plant across the tracks from Eckington yard.
Sorry, I meant to say not an error. (regarding the Capital Transit power plant spur)
I have seen this map before in a 1919-1921 dated atlas of Washington DC. I believe the Library of Congress should have this atlas and it also available online here . I would think that it definitely was revised again in the 1950s and the older atlas was the base.
Christopher, I believe much of the transfer happened in the old yard, indeed. Photos from the 1930s and on show various loaders and bins (not related to Smoot) scattered around the yard. My guess is that various local companies each had their own spot and would transload cement for their plants. Over the years, these increased in number, eventually going away in the 1970s. I would like to find someone who could analyze the old photos and explain in detail how everything worked down there, especially Smoot’s operations.
I don’t believe the Capital Transit power plant siding is an error, just a reflection of an earlier layout.
Although these maps may be dated 1959, they are clearly earlier maps that have been revised. See the heating plant unloading house where the previous sidings for the B&O freight house are still shown but partially covered.
What I find interesting is the industries, Maloney Concrete and Super Concrete. Presumably they got their sand and gravel from the barges unloading from the river. But cement at that time probably came by rail, presumably unloaded in the old yard. Right? So how was the transfer handled between the rail car and the plant? truck? Seems like an extra expense.
Super Concrete was still there in 1981 or so. At that time they received cement in Chessie covered hoppers at their other plant across the tracks from Eckington yard.
Sorry, I meant to say not an error. (regarding the Capital Transit power plant spur)
I have seen this map before in a 1919-1921 dated atlas of Washington DC. I believe the Library of Congress should have this atlas and it also available online here . I would think that it definitely was revised again in the 1950s and the older atlas was the base.
Christopher, I believe much of the transfer happened in the old yard, indeed. Photos from the 1930s and on show various loaders and bins (not related to Smoot) scattered around the yard. My guess is that various local companies each had their own spot and would transload cement for their plants. Over the years, these increased in number, eventually going away in the 1970s. I would like to find someone who could analyze the old photos and explain in detail how everything worked down there, especially Smoot’s operations.