Yesterday I had lunch in Silver Spring with a friend and was reminded of the fine photos taken by Dr. Ira Pearlman on Sunday, Ocrober 24, 1954. This NRHS excursion traversed the Georgetown and Alexandria Branch lines. The train was pulled by B&O GP7 743 and consisted of three passenger cars. Here we see a couple shots from 1954 and the view as it looks today. Enjoy!

I’d like to get back one day to take more detailed/composed shots, as these snapshots were serendipitous after we had lunch across the street. To view the rest of Dr. Pearlman’s wonderful photo set, please visit my Gallery. Hope you enjoy them! I snapped a few additional photos:
View from Lotus CafĂ© – fantastic food! Metro speeding past the old station View to the east The 1945 station is well preseved This is the staircase leading to the old pedestrian tunnel, closed to public some old CPLs and a lamp post in storage here Details of CPLs. Hope to see these restored one day. And here is likely what is the lamp post that is visible in the second photo above, located just next to the station parking lot.